Strategy Consulting

Strategy Consulting | Exploring essential questions and establishing the right foundation

Whether your event is a first-ever or the 38th annual…we (you, your team, and me) will create a powerful and strategic roadmap to plan and execute an event that generates results.

After taking the time to REALLY understand and focus on your goals, I facilitate and lead essential discussions to ensure clarity and common purpose around your event/meeting, to align all stakeholders, and to be sure everyone is working in the same direction. I do this in order to…

  • Improve ROI, reduce costs, and improve attendee experience
  • Develop a strategic view of your event, focused on purpose, goals, audience
  • Connect business strategy to event execution
  • Build in processes to ensure focus on the things that matter
  • Clarify your audience…zeroing in on who should be in the room, why they should be there, and how to leverage their participation
  • Determine ongoing governance to ensure the main things stay the main things
  • Create a pre-, day-of, and post-event engagement strategy
  • Establish and track success metrics